You are the creator of your own life

The statement “You are the creator of your own life” is so much more powerful then you think. I never really understood this fully until here recently. I have learned so much about myself over the last year and half. It finally clicked and my whole perspective has changed. I see that I have most defiantly been the creator of my own life.

I am sure that you have heard of the “Laws of attraction” right? Well you do get what you put out there let me tell you. I have learned that if you hold on to negative emotions and stay at a lower vibration then that is what is going to come your way. Now I am not saying that all negative things is your fault. What I am saying is that if you are not happy with yourself its so much harder to get to where you want to be.

Self love people! Are you happy with yourself? Can you look in the mirror and be totally happy with who you are looking at? One thing that I will say is if you are struggling and it feels like it will never end. You stay in this constant state of worry or panic or just sadness. Some stay angry and can just be ugly. This is not the way to live your life.

I found that if I just slow down and open myself up, find others who have a similar way of thinking that gives me support, and acknowledging the positive. Realizing that I have more control over my life then I thought was the light bulb moment that just rocked my world. I feel so much more happier and I do something I like everyday and it is easier to let the positive energy flow through my life.

I own my bull shit, my negative thoughts, my assumptions, and now I am working on being the best version of my self. Until next time C.

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