Shadow Work

What do you think Shadow Work is? I found that there are several people that doesn’t seem to know or understand what shadow work is. In a nutshell shadow work is self realization and healing. It is taking the time to take a deep look into oneself. To truly understand yourself on a deep level. Accepting all sides of who your are. Finding your authentic self.

We are all borne just as we are. Whole, complete, and true to who we are. As we start our lives we become fractured and hide away pieces ourselves. We learn that we need to behave a certain way to or else. There is a healthy way to do this and an unhealthy way. For a lot of us we experience the unhealthy side. Then there are those who sadly are in abusive environments.

Your shadow is all the negative, miss understood, hidden talents, and dreams that we think we don’t deserve. Not all bad things are in our shadows. I believe shadow work is misunderstood. What I learned is that there is nothing to fix. Shadow work helps you heal the fractures and accept all of ourselves. To really understand yourself is such a wonderful thing.

Shadow work never stops its on going. Because now you can see yourself and the reason you feel a certain way. In any given situation. Now you can present your authentic self. Express yourself the way you want. Not letting others discourage you. Such a wonderful feeling.

More to come on this! Just remember to believe in yourself and find humor and silliness with in yourself too. Having a good time and doing things that you enjoy does more for you than you realize. Until next time C.

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