Coping with chronic pain has it’s challenges especially with you live with a lot of stress. Stress causes pain there is no other way to put it. I am one of those worriers, like I worry about everything. Probably way more then I should. My grandmother was like that. I am going to tell you that living like that was/is for the birds. Making life more challenging then it really should be. Let’s not forget that some times we make ourselves worse also.
When I first got diagnosed with Fibromyalgia it was very upsetting. I read all kinds of articles, clinical trails, and researched what I could. I even had a pain journal and I highly recommend getting one. It was very helpful learning about myself and the pain. So I learned real quick that food makes a difference so ya better watch what you eat. You eat junk you feel like junk literally. Anything with preservatives and sweets hurt. Clean organic food feels much better! Lean meats, veggies, and fruits is the way to go.
Meditation, this is very important to me. Meditation can be challenging for some especially if you have not done it before. I meditate every day and find it very beneficial. There are a ton of guided meditations on YouTube, and you can even get apps on your phone. Breathe work is something else that really works this is something I am going to learn more about. The handful of the ones I do now are amazing!
Routines are also important. I find that have a good routine if very helpful. If you get up at the same time everyday it is easier on your body believe it or not. Find a good exercise routine is very important also. This is a challenge all to it self. Exercising is really important because of the stiffness and pain. It does help even though at first it does not seem like it. This is something that I still struggle with at times.
Mindset is also important because it can be easy to get caught up in the pain and the depression that comes with it. Trying to find a positive mindset will help with day to day life. I have a good support system right now that helps me. I know a few others who have fibro and they find different ways to cope. One she power lifts to help her, another one found a herbal program that she swears by but it’s expensive, and the other ones do use medications. It is important to find what works for you. We are all different.
I do plan on going into more details on some of the things that I have covered. This was my general opinion. Chronic pain is not fun at all and sometimes its hard to deal with it. Navigating in the world these days is hard for us who have that lower quality of life and just want to feel normal. I just want everyone to know that deals with chronic pain you are not alone!
Until next time C.