Categories Shadow Self

Loving your shadow

Loving your shadow is not an easy task. You are your worst critic. We all struggle with this whether or not we want to admit to it. We all get our feelings hurt and we are all human. Learning everything…

Categories Shadow Self

Navigating a Judgmental World

You know sometimes life is just hard. You know what doesn’t help at all. Judgmental people who always have to give their negative opinions. Do you ever feel like some of the people that you are around always has some…

Categories Shadow Self

Self Love

Self love is something that some us of don’t do like we should. Self love is very important. Can you look in a mirror and say that you absolutely love yourself. It took a very long time for me to…

Categories Shadow Self

How do we become fractured?

How does our shadow form? What causes us to become fractured? There are so many reasons that causes us to become fractured. Back to childhood, sadly for some of us, well the majority of us have been not in the…

Categories Shadow Self

Shadow Work

What do you think Shadow Work is? I found that there are several people that doesn’t seem to know or understand what shadow work is. In a nutshell shadow work is self realization and healing. It is taking the time…