Auto Pilot

Do you ever feel like you don’t know what happened to the day? Like where did the time go. Auto pilot is turned on and we don’t even realize it. Going through the day with the same routines and schedules can cause this zombie like feeling. This is living on auto pilot.

In the past I have been so caught up in my thoughts of yesterday and tomorrow that some times I didn’t remember how I got to work. Then at the end of my work day sometimes I could not recall some of the things that I had done throughout the day.

Be present in the now. This is something that can be challenging because we get so caught up in our thoughts that it is to loose ourselves. I get it, it is all the what if’s, the opinions from others, influences from social media, and many other things.

Grounding is a very good way to help you get to a more present state. When you have run away thought syndrome it so hard to get your head out of the clouds or your ass. Meditation has been something that I have done for years and I highly recommend doing it.

I find that through a grounding meditation I can connect to the earth and acknowledge my crazy thoughts and let them go. There are so many really good guided meditations out there that can really help you ground yourself. Through grounding you can become more present in the now.

You got this! Remember you are not alone and you have more support than you realize. Until next time. C.

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